

Accreditation for adult education mobilities

The accreditation 2020-1-IT02-KA120-ADU-095407, obtained by the AEnet-Adult Education Network Consortium in 2020, represents an extraordinary opportunity to activate mobility in the field of Adult Education.

The Consortium, led by Glocal Factory, accredited as coordinator for the period 2021-2026, also brings together ARCI, PRISM and ANPI, all of them involved in adult education.

Thanks to this accreditation, the AEnet Consortium has the opportunity to send more than 100 staff members and learners on a mobile basis over the five years of the project. This opportunity strengthens the staff’s competence - in particular in the field of teaching methodologies, social and life skills – as people may participate in training courses, seminars, work placements abroad. In addition, it is possible to invite foreign experts.

Every year, about 20 people leave for 7-12 days of training in different EU countries to get to know, learn and meet European colleagues with whom they can share experiences and create networks.

Together with AENet's partners, the Consortium organises the Erasmus Mobility Day twice a year to promote mobility, to promote the training courses in the European course catalogue, to tell the stories of those who have participated, and to highlight mobility opportunities abroad.

AEnet 2- 2022-1-IT02- KA121-ADU-000066341

AEnet 1- 2021-1-IT02-KA121-ADU-000009276