Online and offline: complementary aspects of modern life

Online and offline: complementary aspects of modern life

In the month of October, there are many events that include meetings with our partners from various projects; since this is a very important aspect of our work, which takes place mainly online, we thought to share our opinion on this topic with you.

In the era of digitalisation and of the utmost importance of doing our daily activities in a fast and practical way (and comfortably from home), we believe it is even more important to establish moments of real meeting, during which we share the same air and the same spaces with other people; moments in which it is really possible to be together, for hours, discussing, and looking at each other, without resorting to the usual one-hour online call.
Social and sociability often step on each other’s toes but we believe that the two things are linked and mutually reinforcing.

Digitalisation and the web are undoubtedly convenient, practical and fundamental tools, especially for jobs like ours, in which it would be practically impossible and extremely expensive to always meet in person, given that we work with partners from all over Europe, but, at the same time, we must not forget that real, direct confrontation and being together are a very powerful tool for keeping the human flame alive.

We are social beings and sociality passes through real presence: online you are still at home or in the office, often alone.
This holds true for both work and private sphere.