Wealth around us
We were born and, above all, we grow up in an environment where we are taught a sort of (religious) love for… material wealth.
Whether it is the possession of status symbol objects that represent us on the social scale or goals achieved that are equally valid for the social consideration of each of us, every day, since our school days, we learn that it is not enough to exist, to be, to receive the right amount of respect in the world, but you need to get a certain number of results within the common imagination, to be recognized as valid citizens, or not.
The moral part often doesn’t matter much.
Then, growing up, fortunately, some learn to understand that true wealth is far from the ostentation of owning an expensive car, or the constant and impeccably renovated wardrobes; these people develop a sense of love for people, for what surrounds us, such as trees, animals and all nature in general, including human nature.
The compulsive search for (happy) wealth completely blinds individuals, so much so that they are blind to what enriches us and makes us feel good.
Material wealth too often becomes a cage, a couple of golden chains that hide from our gaze everything that we often have under our noses, but which escapes us.
Knowing how to appreciate and re-evaluate our cultural, natural and human heritage is much more profitable than a new body shop to show off during the weekend.